Book Reviews / Reviews / Sci-Fi

Book Review: Infinity Shift

Note: I received a free copy of this e-book through Booktasters in return for an honest review.

Science Fiction is one of the Genres with which I’m always in awe. Although I haven’t read much of Sci-Fi books I kinda know the pattern of stories and the world they build. The Sci-fi stories are mostly set up in the future, they are dystopian mostly, one power control freak who is either a human or an AI, someone is raised to the occasion which questions or threatens the authority. These are mostly how Sci-fi books are designed but What I really love about these is the way the authors somehow foresee the future, they predict technologies that are fascinating. Infinity Shift is one such Sci-fi book that holds all these cliches but tries to achieve something more.

Author: Robert Holding Language: English No. of Pages: 232 Format: eBook Genre: Science Fiction

Infinity Shift is the second book in the series of Science Fiction novels that can be called Shift Trilogy. Even though it is a second book in the Trilogy, one can read it as an individual book too and it holds enough ground for us to understand and get indulged into this world.

Evelyn Marcin was a Shifty (A Time Travelling Agent) who got transported to the past to make little alterations that wouldn’t affect the present much, but she ended up staying in the past itself. One day when she decided to come back, she was treated as a legend. She somehow inspired the entire universe which was now controlled and governed by an AI machine called EYE. Evelyn with her support from Humans decided to meet the EYE and negotiate some terms, then disappears. To understand more you need to read the first book Downtime Shift.

In the second book, Evelyn Marcin, the legend appears again after 8 years. Now, the world has changed and is not the same as she envisioned it to be. She is faced with a new set of problems and another greater and far more powerful foe. How did Evelyn overcome all those struggles? Was she able to defeat the foe? You should read the book to know more.

Be it the first novel or this one, the sentences are written in a pretty complex way which somehow makes the reader feel that it is a pretty complex book, in reality, it is not I must say. If only the author reworded the whole book the reading experience would have been even more delightful. Nevertheless, the book keeps you hooked throughout. You are curious to know what is going to happen next, what are the challenges the lead has to go through, and all that.

The author has great storytelling skills and utilizes them to his advantage but I highly recommend them to send the book across to an editor. I understand this is an Indie published book but that doesn’t mean they cannot consult an Editor. I’m really not sure if it went to the hands of an editor. if only it did I’m sure there would have been fewer grammatical mistakes, easy-to-digest narration, and the mismatch of word format.

Until a certain point, the fonts are normal and after a point, the entire fonts are in Italics. I’m not sure if the author forgot to turn that off while he wrote the second half of the book? I’m assuming the author must have thought of differentiating conversations, but the Italics was throughout until the end of the book.

I could certainly let go of these issues because it is common when the books are published Indie and it doesn’t meet the hands of an editor. Until the very end, we don’t know Why did Evelyn Marcin come back from the past? She appeared conveniently when things are going bad. I really wish this was addressed in the book. Another bigger problem for me was, we find that Evelyn is Pregnant in the first few chapters itself, but when the story progresses we forget that she is pregnant until someone points out the finger at Evelyn’s stomach, it was as if the author himself forgot that and someone pointed out. If the Author could have incorporated the troubles Women go through during pregnancy, it would have been more authentic but wouldn’t have felt like “The stakes are higher now because the woman is carrying and fighting”. It would have felt real and genuine.

Just because it is a Sci-Fi book it doesn’t necessarily look complex, even if the book holds high-concept ideas it should reach the readers with ease and make them want to go back and read the book again whenever they feel like it.

I’m repeating again these are some of the major issues I had with this book, that doesn’t mean I dislike it. I really enjoyed reading it and I’m eagerly waiting to read the third part of this series. It’s just that the sentences are made to look complex and we couldn’t feel the real stakes, it wasn’t passed down well to the readers. I recommend the author to get the books reviewed by an editor and get the new edition and release the Third book with less complexity.

Do give this book a read if you haven’t already and share your thoughts in the comments. Until next time.

Ciao 😇

A Salesperson by profession. I write about Movies, TV Shows, and Books. I plan to write and publish every week but often I give reasons to not write. Finding my way through exploring writing something else away from my comfort zone.

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