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Book Review: Do Epic Shit

In a time and age where we have so many gurus for so many things, often than not the things those Gurus prescribe might not make much practical sense but few do take time and effort to acknowledge their past mistakes, learn from them and share them to the world not to commit the same mistakes they did. One such person is Ankur Warikoo, a successful Entrepreneur and Content Creator who has made so much impact on many people in their 20s and 30’s, especially his videos on Personal Finance have opened my eyes to a greater extent. When I got to know that his book is going to be out, I was excited to read it and as usual, I Pre-ordered and put it on my shelf for months, only for me to pick it up so late.

Author: Ankur Warikoo Language: English No. of Pages: 293 Format: Hardcopy Genre: Self-Help

I’m really glad that I picked this book up and read it. I’m not a great fan of Self-Help books. I believe most of them just vomit gyans but don’t make any practical implications or actionable items other than “You should be mindful” or “You can do it” kind of generic stuff. I did try reading a couple of them in spite of these pet peeves and never felt empowered nor it helped. In spite of these, there are some gems of books that will give some actionable insights which we can try and apply to our daily lives. Do Epic Shit stands somewhere in between these two categories of books.

Even though the Author did not claim this book would change one’s life dramatically or that he wrote something new but was honest enough to tell the readers it is all old wine in a new bottle. We are fully aware of what this book is and glad that the Author set the expectations right. Maybe this should have been how the book was marketed. I would have simply avoided buying it.

Words are wise.
However, Stories strike.

Do I regret buying this book? To an extent, Yes. Did I take away something from this Book? Absolutely, Yes. There are parts in this book where I felt, the author instead of putting it as plain statements could have woven a personal story around it and the whole book would have given a different impact altogether. The author instead of putting these words should have written a story and it would have stroke a chord with me.

I always believe viewing art is personal and affects people differently. This book might not be my cup of water (Eh! Tea or Coffee is boring) but might be for someone else. I definitely did take away a lot, especially some words on Entrepreneurship and managing money but that’s not enough. If Ankur Warikoo is planning to write another book, here is my suggestion, please write a book on your Entrepreneurship journey and write it as a story all from your personal experience.

What I respect about this author is that not everyone is willing to own up or share their failures but he does. I believe that is one of the genuine of things but that alone won’t cut it for a book that consists of mere words without stories, personal stories, stories of lived experiences. Mere words won’t strike a chord but stories will.

If you like what Ankur Warikoo does with his videos, if you follow him on LinkedIn and if you think he inspires you then this book is for you. I’d recommend you to buy and read this book. This book worked for me in parts and I have a major problem with this kind of book. I hope, you find this review useful.

Happy Reading 😎

A Salesperson by profession. I write about Movies, TV Shows, and Books. I plan to write and publish every week but often I give reasons to not write. Finding my way through exploring writing something else away from my comfort zone.

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