Book Reviews / Tamil Books

Thuppariyum Saambu (Tamil) – Book Review

There are certain books which ages well. Those books are classified as “Classics” at least I define it this way. Again, terming a book as a classic and not is completely subjective. I consider “Ponniyin Selvan” as a Classic but I also consider that to be one of the most overrated books. Just because I consider it overrated doesn’t mean I don’t like the book. I do like it and I am planning to reread it, but people out of Nostalgia overrate certain books out of proportion and Ponniyin Selvan is one such book. This book is also considered to be one of the Classics and also considered to be the best by Late Author Devan. Did this book really meet the expectation? Do I consider this book a Classic? Is this book overrated? Let’s see, please read ahead.

Title: Thuppariyum Saambu (Detective Saambu)
Author: Devan
Language: Tamil
No. of Pages: 336
Format: Paperback
Genre: Fiction-Humor.

I randomly spotted this book in a Book fair two years ago. I was aware of only this book by the Author. I have heard people praising this book and for the humorous content this book offers. After 2 years, I randomly picked this book, since I was in a “Reader’s block” I wanted to start with something light.

The book is about “Saambu” who looks like a dim-witted fellow and works in the bank for 2 decades. Saambu, thinks that he can be a good detective due to his detecting powers. He accidentally lands up in detecting a small case from his office. From, then on how he manages to be the best detective in the town forms the crux of this whole book. Each chapter in this book is an adventure of “Saambu” and how he manages to catch the criminals.

Frankly, the book was interesting for the first couple of chapters but as the chapters passed the adventures became monotonous and predictable. I assume it must have published in any of the Tamil weekly’s back then, thus the various adventures. Instead of making Saambu the same dim-witted fellow from the start to end, they could could have made some character development and still maintained the humor in it. I was fairly underwhelmed by this book.

I have purchased Part-2 of this book and I’m unsure if I will read this book in the near future. I wouldn’t recommend this book, but if you are looking for a light-hearted, no-brainer humor, you can read this book. Again, this is my opinion and if you feel different please do share your thoughts in the comment section. Let’s have some meaningful discussion. 🙂

Happy Reading 🙂

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

A Salesperson by profession. I write about Movies, TV Shows, and Books. I plan to write and publish every week but often I give reasons to not write. Finding my way through exploring writing something else away from my comfort zone.


September 18, 2019 at 8:55 am

I’m not into Tamil literature but I have many Tamil friends. Will share this with them.

September 18, 2019 at 5:58 pm

Seems like a nice rainy weekend thriller read. Like suspense, detective series.

September 18, 2019 at 8:32 pm

I have heard a lot about thuppariyum saambu but I have never read any of the books. I did start reading ponniyin selvan but somehow did not complete it.

September 20, 2019 at 4:55 pm

This looks like an interesting read 👍🏻

September 20, 2019 at 10:40 pm

I like detective stories but not dim witted ones!
A very honest review.

September 21, 2019 at 2:26 pm

There are many books which are over rated and not even worth the hype created. I didn’t knew readers block is for real i thought only I am going through the phase at the moment. 😅

    September 21, 2019 at 4:40 pm

    Ha ha ha…. I felt the same and checked with some of my bibliophile friends who asked me to start light. So, I did and voila 🤣

September 27, 2019 at 10:45 pm

Take care with get in touch with zoom lens solutions.

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